Öncelikle şu gens terimini açmamız yerinde olacak diye düşünüyorum. Bunu yapmak için google'ı kullanmak yerine scholar google'ı kullanıp ciddi bir araştırma yapmak istedim. Bu araştırma sırasında Gens'i tanımlayan ve antropoloji konusunda referans alınan bir kitaba rasladım;The Roman Clan - The Gens from Ancient Ideology to Modern Anthropology - C.J.Smith. Bu kitabın 15. sayfasında Gens tanımı yapılıyor fakat google books üzerinde bu sayfa yok. Bu sebeple kitabın pdf'ini arıyorum. Google Books'daki adresi;
Bu kitap gens için temel referanslardan biri sanırım. Roma tarihi konusunda hangi kitaba rastlasam bu kitabı referans göstermiş. Fakat bu kitabı henüz bulamadım. Hugh Lindsay'in Adoption in The Roman World kitabından gens tanımı ve Roma toplulukları ile ilgili kısa bir bilgi buldum, alıntılıyorum;
"The gens is the unit of organisation; giving as the successive stages of integration, in the archaic period, the gens, the phratry, the tribe, and the confederacy of tribe, which constituted a people or nation (populus). At a later period a coalescence of tribes in the same area into a nation took the place of a confederacy of tribes occupying independent areas. Such, through prolonged ages, after the gens appeared, was the substantially universal organisation of ancient society; and it remained among the Greeks and Romans after civilisation supervened. The second is founded upon territory and upon property, and may be distinguished as a state (civitas). The township or ward, circumscribed by metes and bounds, with the property it contains, is the basis or unit of the latter, and political society is the result. Political society is organised upon territorial areas, and deals with property as well as with persons through territorial relations. The successive stages of integration are the township or ward, which is the unit of organisation; the country or province, which is the aggregation of townships or wards; and the national domain or territory, which is an aggregation of counties or provinces; the people of each of which are organised into a body politic. It taxed the Greeks and Romans to the extent of their capacities, after they had gained civilisation, to invent the deme or township and the city ward; and thus inaugurate the second great plan of government, which remains among civilised nations to the present hour. In ancient society this territorial plan was unknown. When it came in it fixed the boundary line between ancient and modern society ...(Morgan [1877] 6–7)" (s. 32)
Kaynak: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=47&ved=0CDkQFjAGOCg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fproxy.bookfi.org%2Fgenesis2%2F272000%2F7206fb9053cdea76b2d82c4d24f92be9%2F_as%2F%255BHugh%2520Lindsay%255D_Adoption%2520in%2520the%2520Roman%2520World(BookFi.org).pdf&rct=j&q=%22the%20roman%20clan%22%20filetype%3Apdf&ei=RFn0TcrIOM_GswbEoMmqBg&usg=AFQjCNFuMQEu-HZ8sBguPc6lktQq3QibRg&sig2=4pdFUTXiIC_Kjw9ZxDKBCQ&cad=rja
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